The Continuous Innovation Framework is an early-stage innovation framework of frameworks created by Ash Maurya.

Lean Startup, Design Thinking, or JTBD is the wrong question:

Stop limiting yourself to any one of these frameworks. Start achieving breakthrough innovation by using the best of what each has to offer.

CIF curates the superpowers of many innovation frameworks into a simple and practical framework for taking an idea step-by-step from concept to scale.

You'll receive a free email course that teaches the key mindsets behind the Continuous Innovation Framework and get access to the online Lean Canvas tool. You can unsubscribe anytime.

"The Continuous Innovation Framework reflects where the Lean Startup movement is now, rather than where it was a decade ago."

~ Eric Ries

Author of The Lean Startup

What's Inside

You'll find stage-based playbooks for taking any idea from concept to scale using actionable strategies, techniques, and tools.
Continuous Innovation Playbooks


CIF uses simple mental models to help you tame the complexity of launching a startup under conditions of extreme uncertainty.


You won't find empty anecdotes or fluff theory but practical step-by-step recipes for putting everything you learn into practice.


The startup journey is riddled with uncertainty but with the right mindsets and process, you can turn it from aimless wandering into a systematic process.

Right action, right time

At any given time, there are only a few key actions that stand to drive the biggest impact. You'll learn how to focus on those, and ignore the rest.


Everything in CIF has been rigorously tested across thousands of products in many different industries.


This framework wasn't built to maximize investor returns but to help founders win. CIF is built by founders for founders.

Constantly evolving

Unlike other frameworks that become outdated over time, CIF is constantly updated with new techniques, models, and tools.


Time is our scarcest resource which is why you won't find hundreds of hours content but short, clear, and concise lessons.

Learn by doing

Entrepreneurship is like a martial art. You can only learn by doing.


Entrepreneurship is a skill, which can be deconstructed, practiced, and taught. That's the goal of CIF.

Who's It For?

  • Aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs who want learn a systematic approach to vetting ideas.
  • Innovators and intrapreneurs charged with finding new business model growth opportunities.
  • Product managers who want to build the next generation of products that matter.
  • Makers and visionaries charged with bringing new ideas to life.

Where Did CIF Come From?

CIF was created by Ash Maurya, author of 2 best-selling books and the creator of the Lean Canvas. It synthesizes learning across hundreds of workshops and bootcamps with startup and corporate teams building products spanning a broad spectrum of domains, from banking to software.

Ash is praised for offering some of the best and most practical advice for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs all over the world. His articles and advice have been featured in Inc. Magazine, Forbes, and Fortune. He serves as a mentor to several accelerators including TechStars, MaRS, Capital Factory, and guest lecturers at several universities including MIT, Harvard, and UT Austin.

Unlike a book that is hard to change once published, these playbooks continually evolve to reflect the latest techniques that work.

CIF is used across several enterprises, accelerators, and universities as their standard innovation/accelerator curriculum.

LEANFoundry Customers

CI Foundations: Learn the key mindsets behind the Continuous Innovation Framework.

  • Battle-tested strategies.
    You'll get step-by-step playbooks on building products that customers want.
  • Hands-on tools - Lean Canvas.
    Everything you need to put the concepts you learn into practice.
  • Learn a framework you can apply to any product.
    These principles have successfully been applied to a wide range of software, hardware, and services-based products.